In order to grant security access to new features in Nexsure, use the security details below to determine where security should be granted for both Retail Agent operations and Nexsure client operations.
- General Ledger-[Change Number] functionality added. (F5850)
- DB Statement Entry link Display drop-down to be changed to use Default (10), 50, 100, 250. (F5485)
- Enhance screen to expand workspace and include minimize/maximize button. (F5805)
- Selecting the Bill Type of Term Policy in Nexsure v2.0, will add to the annualized billed values rather than replace them.The term policy bill type now behaves the same way endorsement does, annualizing policy info fields for annualized and billed values instead of replacing. Additionally, Nexsure now annualizes policy info annualized values based on the full amount of the master invoice instead of as the installments posted. (F4409)
- Increase Production Credit field to 4 decimals. (F5345)
- A new view is available at TRANSACTIONS > Select View > Transactional. The Transactional view is used to provide a single place where information related to the receivable and carrier payable balance can be viewed. Posted transactions only are displayed. (F5419) Link to topic
- Carrier payables Reconciliation: Added columns to include item balance. Additional information in agency bill transaction lists as well as search criteria with save filter settings and ‘Client Name’ have been added to improve the reconciliation process. (F5410) Link to topic
- Carrier payables Reconciliation: Add save filter settings on subordinate screens. (F5411)
- Carrier payables Reconciliation: Add 'Client Name' to search criteria. (F5412)
- Increase processing time for installments. (F5471)
- Bill type term policy will update rather than replace annualized and billed values in policy info, Policy info will use master invoice values with installments for new invoice and will use master invoice values when using "Modify Master" or if new plan is added after original invoice creation. (F5011)
- At the territory level when searching for invoices a new Search Criteria option, Receivable Type, has been added: (F5213) Link to topic
- Receivable Type: Two options are available to filter third party and client invoices. By default both options are selected to return all invoices. By selecting only one option, the types of invoices returned are narrowed. The available options are:
- Third Party Invoices: Select this option to return only third party invoices.
- Client Invoices: Select this option to return only client invoices.
- Security settings can be modified to allow certain staff members access to the modify functions on Edit Invoice Header dialog box. (F5107) Link to topic
- A new Location Type option is now available to help identify addresses during entity selection in accounting transactions. The Location Type can be set in the entity record at SEARCH > Carrier Details > locations tab. The Location Type will then be displayed next to the address in the Select Entity dialog box. (F5152)
- When on the disbursement tab to create a disbursement, in the Payee area, click the Ellipsis
button to select another address for the payee if necessary. This option will be available for until the item is posted. (F5061) Link to topic
- The way the Mandatory General Ledger numbers are displayed on the mandatory general ledger numbers tab has been updated to include an expand and collapse option so that less scrolling is necessary when searching for GL numbers. (F4839)
- Allow search by Enterprise code for Retail Agent in Accounting transactions. (F5470)
- Add Retail Agent association logic to disbursement. (F3949)
- Add Retail Agent association logic to invoices. (F3950)
- Add Retail Agent association logic to receive payments. (F3951)
- Add Retail Agent association logic to accounts payables. (F3952)
- Add Retail Agent association logic to reconciliation. (F3953)
- General Ledger propagate by territory. General ledger numbers added at any level must populate ordinate organizational entities – balance sheet accounts to book level and income or expense accounts to all levels. The ordinate organizational entity roll up would not balance if this does not occur. As an example, if adding a general ledger number at territory, the number should automatically populate the organization level for both balance sheet and income and expense accounts. The new account number would also populate the ordinate region if it is an income and expense account. Also, when adding a GL account, add option to choose which territories to propagate instead of ALL or NONE. (F3960) Link to topic
- Retail Agent Commission Defaults - Added % of Fee as a Rate Type. % Of Fee is defined as a percentage of the fee entered on the policy info tab. (F4508) Link to topic Link to video
- Employee Commissions: Add default for % of Net Agency Commission as a Rate Type. % of Net Agency Commission is defined as the agency commission less the retail agent commission.(F4509) Link to topic Link to video
- Revised Organization posting rules layout. (F4516) Link to video
- Removed retail agent posting rules at department. (F4517)
- Posting rules options have now been added at the retail agent level. (F4518) Link to topic
- Delete, add, and change retail agent related mandatory general ledger numbers. (F4519) Link to topic
- Security: Add security for retail agent posting rule tab. (F4604) Link to topic
- Security: Add security for retail agent transactions link. (F4610) Link to topic
- Security: Add security for retail agent invoice 3rd party commission. (F4612) Link to topic
- Security: Add security for retail agent policy info 3rd party commission. (F4613) Link to topic
- The ability to include commissions on invoicing for the retail agent has now been added to the agency billing functions. (F618) Link to topic Link to video
- Expand receive payment processing with client invoicing. (F4175) Link to topic Link to video
- Expand disbursement processing with client invoicing. (F4176) Link to topic Link to video
- The ability has been added for Retail Agent add reconciliation processing with client invoicing. Both payables and receivables reconciliation processing has been added. (F4177) Link to payables video Link to receivables videoLink to topic
- Payable Reconciliation: Items due to the Retail Agent such as agency bill gross, direct bill gross commissions, receipts and disbursements offset to the Retail Agent Reconciliation Clearing general ledger account.
- Receivable Reconciliation: Items such as agency bill net and gross receivables, receive payment residuals, and journal transactions for payable reconciliation and possible balance write-off.
- With the introduction of retail agent invoicing in Nexsure and related transactions, transaction views at the retail agent file have been established. The new transaction views include Balance Details (F4179), Invoice Summary (F4181), and Payable Summary (F4994). Link to video
- Associate Retail Agent to territories. The assignments added on the retail agent assignments tab dictate the availability of the retail agent for accounting transactions in the associated branch's territory. (F3902) Link to topicLink to video
- Security: Expand security for retail agent commissions tab. (F4618) Link to topic
- Invoice defaults can now be set up for production credit handling, the two new default options are:
- Select the Permit Production Credit line item total over 100% option if the policy info and invoicing production credit can exceed 100%. When selected, this function allows over allocation when editing an invoice. When entering a total over 100% in the policy info, a warning will be displayed, but the excess will be permitted.
- Select the Production Credit line item total must be 100% option if the policy info and invoicing production credit cannot be less than or greater than 100%. Entries that do not equal 100% will not allow the policy to be placed in force or an invoice to be posted.
Also, production credit allocation now includes 4 decimal breakdown. Entry greater than 4 after decimal rounds up ending in 5 or greater, down less than 5. (F2789) Link to video
- Disbursement: Apply Carrier association adopted for territory / branch. Only those carriers associated to a territory will be included in the applicable accounting transaction selections. (F3407) Link to topic
- Accounts Payable: Apply Carrier association adopted for territory / branch. Only those carriers associated to a territory will be included in the applicable accounting transaction selections. (F3408) Link to topic
- Reconciliation: Apply Carrier association adopted for territory / branch. Only those carriers associated to a territory will be included in the applicable accounting transaction selections. (F3409) Link to topic
- Receive payment: Apply Carrier association adopted for territory / branch. Only those carriers associated to a territory will be included in the applicable accounting transaction selections. (F3410) Link to topic
- Carrier Association: Auto option to propagate to territory and branch. (F4993) Link to topic Link to video
- Only allow edit of loss notice on policy iteration claim was reported against and sync other loss notice iterations when changes are made. (F5733)
- The ability to set up custom default wording for the Summary of Insurance disclaimers has now been added. Default wording can be added for the commercial and personal lines. (F5529) Link to topic
- Add client named insured schedule to Summary of insurance. (F5527) Link to video
- Add premium schedule to Summary of Insurance. (F5528)
- Ability to select multiple applications from marketing servicing screen. (F5488)
- Add ability to enter action memo on marketing, edit, renewal, cancellation, claim and audit servicing screens. (F5489)
- Add policy selection to edit and cancellation servicing screens. (F5490)
- A new SERVICING > endorsements screen has been created. With the new screen, action memo and policy selection have been added to the initial screen. (F5494) Link to topic
- All SERVICING screens have been recreated to now save clicks and be more intuitive. (F5467) Link to video
- Summary of Insurance: Link to video
- Coverage Summary - change display (F5453 & F3540))
- Remove blank fields (F5454)
- Add option to include/exclude expired policies (F5455)
- Add premium information (F5456)
- Improve performance (F5457)
- Would like vehicle list to appear on summary of insurance with ability to print. (F3172) Link to video
- Download endorsements with any necessary overflow pages are now included on the Summary of Insurance. This enhancement enables the data flow for downloaded supplements which include the Additional Coverage Endorsement Schedule, the Form Groups Schedule, and the Supplemental Notes.(F2208 & F3836) Link to topicLink to video
- User number (renumber) to display records on SOI rather than primary key #. (F4598) Link to video
- Underline carrier names on policy summary screen as they are links for eServices. (F5331) Link to video
- Change the way policy history works so that policy iterations don’t actually go to history until entire policy family is ready to go to history. (F5330) Link to video
- A new way to show policy iterations is now available on the policies tab and the policy history tab with the option to expand or collapse the view of the policy iterations. All polices are shown in a collapsed view by default, however the view may be expanded to display all policy iterations in a family for the term. The Save Filter Settings option may be used in conjunction with the [Expand All] link to change the default view from collapsed to expanded. (F4639) Link to topicLink to video
- Ability to manually change policy mode on new business. The New on Existing mode is now available for selection after adding a new marketing application or renewing a policy. The New on Existing mode helps identify new business on an existing client vs. new business on a new client. (F2976) Link to topicLink to video
- When editing a branch at ORGANIZATION > branches > Details
> card file tab > Edit > Edit Organization Information dialog box, a new Remittance Address option has been added. Setting the remittance address at the branch level allows the Organization to setup these addresses for use on all invoices and statements for the selected branch. (F4992) Link to topic Link to video
- Need the ability to back date endorsements. (F1785) Link to video
- Ability to create an endorsement on a policy in history. (F1716) Link to topic Link to video
- Coverage terms should not prohibit needed changes within the policy period. (F1928)
- Ability to create out of sequence endorsements. (F2388) Link to topic Link to video
- Ability to process out of sequence endorsements. (F2517) Link to topic
- Collapsible Policy Summary grouped by policy. (F4964) Link to video
- Increase branch name field size on Home screens so that all characters display. (F4997)
- On the client SEARCH results screen, the client's primary phone number shown in the new Phone # column is a hot link to the primary contact detail screen. (goes with F5000) (F5012) Link to topic
- A new Phone # column has been added to the SEARCH results screen to hold the client's primary phone number. (F5000) Link to topic
- A new list has been added to the client SEARCH screen called Location State/Prov. to help search for clients by location. (F2041) Link to topicLink to video
- On the SEARCH screen, the branch list length has been increased in length so that longer branch names can be viewed. (F4998) Link to topic
- Add pop-up validation to policies w/retail agents if third party commission is greater than agency comm. (F5754)
- A T-Log tab has been added to the Retail Agent level. (F3920) Link to topic
- Retail Agent > T-Log > Card file: Record view retail agent on T-Log for retail agent card file. (F3981)
- Retail Agent > T-Log > Contacts: Record view, add, modify and delete contacts on T-Log for retail agent. (F3982)
- Retail Agent > T-Log > Locations: Record view, add, modify and delete locations on T-Log for retail agent. (F3983)
- Retail Agent > T-Log > Names: Record view, add, modify and delete retail agent names on T-Log for retail agent. (F3984)
- Retail Agent > T-log > Assignments: Record view, add, modify and delete assignments on T-Log for retail agent. (F3985)
- Retail Agent > T-Log>Contracts: Record view, add, modify and delete contracts on T-Log for retail agent. (F3986)
- Retail Agent > T-Log > Commissions: Record view, add, modify and delete commissions on T-Log for retail agent. (F3987)
- Retail Agent > T-Log > Classified: Record view, add, modify and delete classified on T-Log for retail agent. (F5091)
- Change client name to entity name on Setup security T-Log. (F5092)
- Add reference number for retail agent. (F4904) Link to topic
- Add TRANSACTIONS menu item to the retail agent menu. (F3910)
- Add Organizational Legal Entity lookup Type in Lookup Management for retail agents. (F3921)
- On the retail agent name tab, the Organizational Legal Entity Type field has been added. (F3922) Link to topic
- Add FEIN to retail agent name tab. (F3923) Link to topic
- Add 1099 designation to retail agent name tab. (F3924) Link to topic
- Move retail agent classified tab to be after retail agent assignment tab. (F4903)
- Add security to retail agent name. (F4908) Link to topic
- Add security to retail Assignments. (F4909) Link to topic
- Add security to retail agent commission. (F4910)
- Add security to retail agent contracts. (F4911) Link to topic
- Add security to retail agent classified. (F4912) Link to topic
- Put check on retail agent name that does not allow deletion if used in invoicing. (F5003) Link to topic
- Put check on retail location that does not allow deletion if used in invoicing. (F5004)
- More information is now being provided on failure notifications. Along with the previous information shown on a failure notice, the following items have been added: (F2823)
- Do not reply message
- Recipient name
- Entity name
- Title
- Subject (previously Regarding)
- Date and time created
- Submitted for delivery date and time
- Failure date and time
- Confidentiality message
- Add the time zone to the delivery failure notification & other dates. (F5481)
- When there is more than one recipient for the delivery, status of the delivery will be tracked for each instance of the message separately. (F5420)
- Place the users time on fax cover when being sent. (F4344)
- On resend, Nexsure will record who resent the delivery. On the delivery tab, the Created By column will be updated with the name of the last staff member to send the delivery. A new Print Preview page has also been added to show delivery details before printing. (F1870 & F1903 & F5480) Link to topic
- Provide Location Name in the Client Exception Search Results. (F5477)
- Ability to mix and match Home, Condo and Rent on cancellation downloads. (F5289)
- HomeOwner - Carry over policy wide and schedule application data on downloads. (F5279)
- Commission Downloads - Ability to mass delete transactions from an interface ID. (F5280)
- Hanover/Allmerica BOP Recertification (F5229)
- Hanover/Allmerica CAUTO Recertification (F5230)
- Hanover/Allmerica WC Recertification (F5231)
- Barton Mutual Farm Download Certification (F5352)
- Barton Mutual Dwelling Fire Download Certification (F5353)
- Barton Mutual Home Download Certification (F5354)
- Commission Download Microsoft® Excel® Import - Add the ability to import a reinstatement through Excel import. (F5275)
- Commission Download - Ability to mix/match Personal Auto and Motorcycle. (F5276) Link to topic
When a carrier sends a commission download with a Personal Auto LOB that is actually titled a Motorcycle LOB in Nexsure or vice versa, there are two ways the transaction can be associated with the correct policy in Nexsure:
- Click the Re-Process link on the Navigation Toolbar. This will try to find an exact match of policy number, policy effective date, policy expiration date, transaction date and NAIC code to match at least one in the family of carriers. Regardless of the title of the LOB if the criteria are an exact match with a policy in Nexsure, they will be associated.
- Click the red error message under the transaction and manually associate the transaction to the correct policy on the Policy dialog box. The policies that are available for selection will have met the exact match criteria noted in (a) above.
- Fireman's Fund Umbrella coverage downloading as endorsement on policy and not LOB. (F5424)
- Ohio Mutual Personal Inland Marine Certification (F5335)
- Gainsco Personal Auto Certification (F5336)
- Liberty RAM Commercial Umbrella Certification (F5337)
- Lititz Mutual Dwelling Fire Certification (F5339)
- Lititz Mutual Homeowner Certification (F5340)
- LeMars Personal Auto Certification (F5319)
- LeMars Homeowners Certification (F5320)
- LeMars Personal Inland Marine Certification (F5321)
- Merchants BOP Certification with New System (F5302)
- Ohio Mutual BOP Certification (F5324)
- Ohio Mutual Commercial Auto Certification (F5325)
- Ohio Mutual Commercial Umbrella Certification (F5326)
- Ohio Mutual Homeowners Certification (F5327)
- Ohio Mutual Personal Auto Certification (F5328)
- Ohio Mutual Personal Umbrella Certification (F5329)
- Download Setup Screen - Remove the Branch drop-down for the Ivans setup screen. (F5110)
- When searching for a client to resolve and interface exception, the new indicators, [P] and [C] next to the client names have been added. These new indicators show the client type, Personal or Commercial. Also notice the Location Name has been added to the search results for each line. (F898) Link to topic Link to video
- Acuity Commercial Umbrella Certification (F5260)
- Hagerty Personal Auto - Recertification (F5245)
- Commission Download - Ability to mix match home, renter and condo for CD. (F5273) Link to topic
When a carrier sends a commission download with a Personal Home, Renter or Condo LOB that is actually titled with a different LOB name in Nexsure or vice versa, there are two ways the transaction can be associated with the correct policy in Nexsure:
- Click the Re-Process link on the Navigation Toolbar. This will try to find an exact match of policy number, policy effective date, policy expiration date, transaction date and NAIC code to match at least one in the family of carriers. Regardless of the title of the LOB if the criteria are an exact match with a policy in Nexsure, they will be associated.
- Click the red error message under the transaction and manually associate the transaction to the correct policy on the Policy dialog box. The policies that are available for selection will have met the exact match criteria noted in (a) above.
- Harleysville WC Certification (F5251)
- Providence Mutual Homeowner Certification (F5414)
- Providence Mutual Inland Marine Certification (F5415)
- Ohio Mutual Personal Watercraft Certification (F5417)
- Lititz Mutual Inland Marine Certification (F5452)
- Barton Mutual Inland Marine Download Certification (F5458)
- Increase branch name field size so full branch name displays. (F4997b)
- A new print capability has been added to the INTERFACE > advanced search tab. Now all interface files (and their contents) can be printed at one time. (F2818) Link to topic Link to video
- When working on the import tab in the Exchange Manager, there is now a Date Modified column to help identify the necessary files. (F4798) Link to topic
- Vision-Rental Liab cov sent under ADDRR-wants to flow to suppl pages 9-14. (F5172)
- Umbrella coverage downloading as endorsement on policy and not LOB. (F2424)
- When viewing the Summary of Insurance, the following new fields will be displayed when the associated LOB is shown. Link to topic
- Workers comp - amend fields that display. (F5426)
- Boiler and machinery - amend fields that display. (F5427)
- Commercial property - amend fields that display. (F5428)
- BOP - amend fields that display. (F5429)
- Commercial Windstorm - amend fields that display. (F5430)
- Commercial Inland Marine - amend fields that display. (F5431)
- Commercial Flood - amend fields that display. (F5432)
- Crime - amend fields that display. (F5433)
- Employment Practices - amend fields that display. (F5434)
- D&O - amend fields that display. (F5435)
- GL - amend fields that display. (F5436)
- Commercial Auto - amend fields that display. (F5437)
- Commercial Umbrella - amend fields that display. (F5438)
- Home - amend fields that display. (F5439)
- Personal Watercraft - amend fields that display. (F5440)
- RV - amend fields that display. (F5441)
- Personal EQ - amend fields that display. (F5442)
- Motorcycle - amend fields that display. (F5443)
- Personal Umbrella - amend fields that display. (F5444)
- Dwelling Fire - amend fields that display. (F5445)
- Personal Auto - amend fields that display. (F5446)
- The new ACORD 27 - 2006/07 form is now available. (F5347)
- The new ACORD 28 – 2006/07 form is now available. (F5348)
- Request to add the updated version of the ACORD 81 - personal inland marine. (F5301)
- The following verification cards have now been added:
- ACORD 50VT (F5045)
- ACORD 50TN (F5044)
- ACORD 50SD (F5043)
- ACORD 50SC (F5042)
- ACORD 50NE (F5041)
- ACORD 50IN (F5040)
- ACORD 50IL (F5039)
- ACORD 50ID (F5038)
- ACORD 50CT (F5037)
- ACORD 50CO (F5036)
- ACORD 50AL (F5035)
Office Integration
- New options have been added to the XML tree used when creating document templates. The new options are available for drag-and-drop to the new template. The ability to create claim document templates has also been added. See the line items below for the individual options that have been added. (F5382) Link to video
- Add Named Insured Nature of Business/Description of Operations for primary NI to XML tree. (F5383)
- Add Named Insured Year Started for primary NI to XML tree. (F5384)
- Add Named Insured Gross Receipts amount and time frame for primary NI to XML tree. (F5385)
- Add Named Insured No of Employees for primary NI to XML tree. (F5386)
- Add primary contact title to XML tree. (F5387)
- Add primary contact Phone Number to XML tree. (F5388)
- Add primary contact Fax Number to XML tree. (F5389)
- Add policy carrier address to XML tree. (F5390)
- Add policy Retail Agent Name & address. (F5391)
- Add policy Retail Agent Phone, and Fax. (F5392)
- Add policy Billing Carrier Address to XML tree. (F5393)
- Add Commission, Tax, Fees, Other Commission information from policy info screen to XML tree (requires addition of 24 policy info fields). (F5394)
- Add Assignment Title to XML tree. (F5395)
- Add Employee Salutation – Name Field to XML tree. (F5396)
- Add document templates for Claims - need selection for claim and claimants. (F5398)
- Add Claim Number to XML tree. (F5399)
- Add Claim Date of Loss (DOL) to XML tree. (F5400)
- Add Claim Adjuster Name to XML tree. (F5401)
- Add Claim Adjuster Phone # to XML tree. (F5402)
- Add date Claim reported to XML tree. (F5403)
- Add claim Memo to XML tree. (F5404)
- Add claim Estimated Amount to XML tree. (F5405)5
- Add Claimant Name to XML tree. (F5406)
- Add Claimant Address to XML tree. (F5407)
- Add Claimant phone to XML tree. (F5408)
- Add security to retail agent attachments. (F4913)
- Add bill method column and filter. (F5743)
- Remove old trial balance reports that were replaced in 1.95.5. (F4403)
- A new invoice type has been created to allow the agency to bill the retail agent. (F5151) Link to topic
- Adjust Carrier Payables Details report to show all line items of an invoice. Make the Carrier Payable Details Report and the Carrier Reconciliation screen both show the line items of an invoice, such as taxes, fees, surcharges, instead of just summed amounts. This would allow users to match up amounts to research items. (F5461)
- Remove old trial balance reports that were replaced in 1.95.5. (F4403)
- Invoice remittance address - Need to incorporate designated remittance address as added into invoices if not currently handled correctly using primary mailing address per branch. (F5067)
- Analysis to insure reports that have Policy Mode are picking up new modes under this feature. (F5071) Link to video
- When working with reports, the Organization Information > Nexsure Organization Criteria > Branch box has now been expanded to show up to 50 characters. The field has been expanded to help selection of branches that may have long names. (F5072)
- The Retail Agent Cost Account Reconciliation report will gather debit and credit line items from transactions that have posted to the retail agent cost accounts. Report line item data originates from retail agent invoices. The transaction types that cause the retail agent cost to be recognized in the retail agent cost accounts are limited to Invoices, Reconciliations, Cash Receipts, and Disbursements when using normal retail agent workflows. Link to topic
- The Retail Agent Clearing Account Reconciliation report is used for clearing Retail Agent receivables and payables through accounting transactions such as Retail Agent Reconciliations, Receive Payments and Disbursements.
This report shows the details of the transactions that make up the balance of the retail agent clearing account. Only transactions that do not have an off-setting debit or credit are included, i.e. “outstanding” transactions. Once an off-setting entry has been posted, (given the report is requested with an As Of date to include both the initial transaction and the off-setting transaction) the initial transaction that was once “outstanding” will no longer appear on the report. (F5742) Link to topic
- The Retail Agent Payables Report allows an agency to keep track of what is due to their retail agents; what is payable and what has been collected. The ability to report on what is due and what is left open also provides detail in the general ledger balances. (F4978) Link to topic Link to video
- The Retail Agent Aged Receivables report is now available. The Retail Agent Aged Accounts Receivable report shows transactions that are unpaid or due from a Retail Agent displayed in aging categories, in detailed or summarized format. (F5021) Link to topic Link to video
- Retail Agent Invoice (F5065)
- The Retail Agent Remittance Advice report is now available in the reconciliation and disbursements process when the Print link is selected from the Navigation Toolbar and the Retail Agent Remittance Advice option is selected. A PDF document that is separate from the checks will open for the remittance advice. (F5066) Link to topic
- Add T-Log to Opportunities. (F5355)
- T-Log entries are now captured for interface/download transactions in Nexsure. The following transactions are captured: (F5051) Link to topic
- New business
- Endorsements
- Cancellations
- Reinstatements
- Renewals
- Add delivery to the T-Log. (F5463)
- Put a note on Org level T-Log that only 1,000 records max are returned "The search returned more than 1,000 records. The maximum number of records displayed is limited to 1,000 for performance reasons. Please consider refining search filter criteria". (F5479)