Nexsure 2.0 Release Notes (02-08-10)

Resolved Issues

Nexsure 2.0 Resolved Issues







Office Integration



Important Notifications  


Note: For policies where a pending status existed prior to v2.0, before finalizing, be sure to update the policy info screens when production credit should equal 100% as no warning message will be displayed.



In order to grant security access to new features in Nexsure, use the security details below to determine where security should be granted for both Retail Agent operations and Nexsure client operations.

Note: Date displayed is based on department default for Days until past due and this date is determined by the effective or date booked whichever is later.

Nexsure 2.0 Enhancements

For a video overview of some of the new enhancement features, click here.

Please take the time to view these sessions and if necessary, schedule a meeting with your staff to view as well. Click on each link below for detailed overviews of 2.0 functionality.

Note:  Some of the videos may take a few moments to load. Once the images appear, you may view the recording from the start by clicking the Play button at the bottom of the screen.



Also, production credit allocation now includes 4 decimal breakdown. Entry greater than 4 after decimal rounds up ending in 5 or greater, down less than 5. (F2789) Link to video




When a carrier sends a commission download with a Personal Auto LOB that is actually titled a Motorcycle LOB in Nexsure or vice versa, there are two ways the transaction can be associated with the correct policy in Nexsure:

  1. Click the Re-Process link on the Navigation Toolbar. This will try to find an exact match of policy number, policy effective date, policy expiration date, transaction date and NAIC code to match at least one in the family of carriers. Regardless of the title of the LOB if the criteria are an exact match with a policy in Nexsure, they will be associated.
  2. Click the red error message under the transaction and manually associate the transaction to the correct policy on the Policy dialog box. The policies that are available for selection will have met the exact match criteria noted in (a) above.

When a carrier sends a commission download with a Personal Home, Renter or Condo LOB that is actually titled with a different LOB name in Nexsure or vice versa, there are two ways the transaction can be associated with the correct policy in Nexsure:

  1. Click the Re-Process link on the Navigation Toolbar. This will try to find an exact match of policy number, policy effective date, policy expiration date, transaction date and NAIC code to match at least one in the family of carriers. Regardless of the title of the LOB if the criteria are an exact match with a policy in Nexsure, they will be associated.
  2. Click the red error message under the transaction and manually associate the transaction to the correct policy on the Policy dialog box. The policies that are available for selection will have met the exact match criteria noted in (a) above.


Office Integration


This report shows the details of the transactions that make up the balance of the retail agent clearing account. Only transactions that do not have an off-setting debit or credit are included, i.e. “outstanding” transactions. Once an off-setting entry has been posted, (given the report is requested with an As Of date to include both the initial transaction and the off-setting transaction) the initial transaction that was once “outstanding” will no longer appear on the report. (F5742) Link to topic
